The Thing to Remember is you CAN!
March 29, 2020

You have a weight loss goal. Actually, it’s more than a goal, it’s something you’re passionate about achieving. You’ve dreamed about being healthy and fit, you’ve prayed, you’ve made positive changes. You know God is calling you to a higher place in your health.
But then the “bad day” happens.
You’re craving sugar.
You want to go eat with your friend from work to relieve some stress. And that means lots of pizza.
The temptation is strong, you’re feeling awfully weak, and that donut shop is a short drive. Chocolate glazed, blueberry, and cinnamon rolls. Why not eat all three?
How many times have these scenarios played out in your pursuit of vibrant, radiant health? I know for me it was too many times to count. And you know what the one thing was that caused me to cave every time?
It was believing I had no control over my choices!
The truth is, you always have the power to make a higher choice. Always. It’s a game the enemy of your soul plays with your mind – making you think you have no choice. Or you can’t control your urges. Or you have no strength. But none of those statements align with your true identity – the identity God has given you through your relationship with Jesus Christ. The truth is:
You’re who God says you are no matter how you feel
You’re who God says you are no matter what battle is raging in your mind telling you otherwise
You already have everything you need to make the best choices for your health, because the power lies within you as part of your new nature
You may feel you have no strength, but the truth is you are strong and can make the highest choices for your because those choices align with your true identity
The key is to renew your mind and your thought life to come into alignment with your true identity. The new creation you are; the Heavenly identity that yours and that God is ever calling you towards. Don’t accept any thought that you “can’t” lose weight, or change that relationship, or write that book. Whatever it is that God is calling you to already belongs to you. Align, war with the thoughts that enter your mind that don’t align with who God says you are and fight from a place of victory!
Yours in radiant health,
Let's Connect...

I’m Ginny Edwards and my passion is to encourage Christian women to live a life of glorious, radiant health through embracing food the way God made it with all its juiciness and flavor. I’m a life and health coach trained by the Christian Coaching Institute and some of the best health coaches in the world. You can read more about me here.