Healthy Soul

The Thing to Remember is you can

You have a weight loss goal. Actually, it’s more than a goal, it’s something you’re passionate about achieving. You’ve dreamed about being healthy and fit, you’ve prayed, you’ve made positive changes. You know God is calling you to a higher place in your health. But …

You Is Kind

I love “The Help” movie, and one of the many reasons I love it is because of this statement that the housekeeper spoke over the little girl day after day. “You is kind, you is smart, you is important”. This little girl was constantly bombarded with statements that said …

On Your Worst Day

Happy New Year! We’re a few weeks in and I feel it’s very important to remind you that: On your worst day… When you realize you’ve already blown your New Year’s resolutions When you’ve eaten three candy bars because you’re stressedWhen the bathroom scale is not your friend …

Fight from THIS Place!

There’s something in the air besides the lazy days of summer breezes. The waters are stirring, and God is calling women all over the planet to arise as the Esther’s and Deborah’s He has called us to be. He’s inviting us to take a giant leap towards the …

Are You Standing at the Red Sea?

Have you ever thought how the Israelites must have felt when they were standing at the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army getting closer and closer? They must have been thinking “there’s no way out of this”. Then, to make matters even more …