Fight from THIS Place!
August 10, 2017

There’s something in the air besides the lazy days of summer breezes. The waters are stirring, and God is calling women all over the planet to arise as the Esther’s and Deborah’s He has called us to be. He’s inviting us to take a giant leap towards the dreams He has for our lives by saying yes to the process He has uniquely designed just for us to bring about transformation and the upgrade of our lives. There are Kingdom projects in your heart that long to be birthed, and that birthing requires giving all of you to this journey of transformation God has designed for you.
There’s something big I’ve learned from the last transformational process I’ve gone through, and that something is when you learn to fight from the position of your identity in Christ, rather than from the “old you”, things can really shift in a big way pretty quickly. For example, let’s say you’ve been in bondage to a certain habit for most of your adult life. You feel as though it’s embedded in your DNA so to speak, and breaking free from it seems impossible. That feeling and thought is based on your old self, your nature before you accepted Jesus Christ. And when you attempt to change your behavior or create a new habit from that place, it’s all you striving to change your old nature. But what does the Bible say about our old nature? What does it say about how to look at our past and our “BC (before Christ) selves? The Bible says we’re dead! Our old selves, our former nature, has been crucified with Christ. So basically any time you give any consideration to your old nature, you’re dealing with a corpse!
We are fully and completely new creatures when we receive Christ. We have a new identity, a new way of being that’s there for us, and all we have to do is receive it, and align ourselves with the truth of who God says we are. Anything less is living far beneath the beauty and abundance God has for us. For those of you fighting to birth a dream, or a vision, or a desire…anything you want to do that you believe is God-breathed and requires change on your part, fight that fight from your identity in Christ, not your old nature.
Is now your time to take a giant step towards fulfilling your God-breathed destiny and purpose? If the answer is yes, then remember your old nature is dead, and you have everything you need to birth your destiny in your true identity!
Let's Connect...

I’m Ginny Edwards and my passion is to encourage Christian women to live a life of glorious, radiant health through embracing food the way God made it with all its juiciness and flavor. I’m a life and health coach trained by the Christian Coaching Institute and some of the best health coaches in the world. You can read more about me here.