Let’s Stop Going Around the Same Mountain
February 09, 2020

I’ve been pondering the word “surrender”. One definition is to “cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority”. At first glance I thought, “oh no, I don’t want to do that – no surrendering to the enemy”. But the more I’ve been thinking about it, the more I realize this could be a very good definition if you put it in the context of “sacred surrender”. Let me ask you…
How long have you resisted surrendering to your true identity? You know the one – it’s that higher, more deeply aligned with God version of yourself that you keep hearing the Holy Spirit whisper to you about
What if you’re surrendering to the enemy of your soul every time you act out of alignment with who you know you are in Christ? What if you’re submitting to his authority every time you make choices you know aren’t in alignment with who God says you are?
What if you “ceased resisting” the Lover of your Soul and said yes to a sacred surrender of your old self and instead fully embraced the new creature that you are in Christ?
How would your life change?
I believe we’re in a season of “anything is possible”. It’s a time when the Lord is calling us to go deeper in our relationship with Him and come up higher in aligning with who He says we are. II Corinthians 5:17 says “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new”.
Enfolded into Christ – sacred surrender to all that He is for you!
This my friend is how you will stop going around the same mountain again this year. Whether that mountain is in your finances, your relationships, or your health. Sacred surrender. Cease resisting your “new creation” and step into all that He says you are.
With love,
Let's Connect...

I’m Ginny Edwards and my passion is to encourage Christian women to live a life of glorious, radiant health through embracing food the way God made it with all its juiciness and flavor. I’m a life and health coach trained by the Christian Coaching Institute and some of the best health coaches in the world. You can read more about me here.