3 Surprising Ways Raw Food Changed My Life
August 17, 2017

Most of us realize changing one’s diet can have a profound impact on your health, which in turn can certainly change your life. But when I decided to change my diet to one of predominantly raw, living foods, little did I realize I was saying yes to an incredible whole person journey. There have been so many lessons, so many new awareness’s about myself as a woman and as a Christian. But there have been three very big changes I’ve experienced since embracing a high-raw food diet that have both surprised and captivated me.
A huge “Aha” moment about my relationship with food. Raw food was how I realized that my being overweight went much deeper than simply needing to go on a diet. My relationship with food was unhealthy, and I was deeply entrenched in emotional eating. No diet ever showed me that; it wasn’t until I experienced a few weeks of eating high-raw and tasted the incredible health benefits that I realized my weight problem had in part to do with addiction. The fact that I couldn’t maintain a lifestyle that gifted me with the most incredible feelings of energy, mental clarity, and power showed me my relationship with food was a deep well of emotional baggage that had to be dealt with before I could live in freedom around my relationship with food.
I was using food to fill the voids God wanted to fill in my life. My spiritual life deepened significantly as a result of embracing a high-raw food lifestyle. This was primarily due to the fact that I realized I had been using food as my comforter and friend instead of allowing God to have that role in my life. And what a revelation it was too, seeing how I had placed food as a god in my life. When you’re eating the SAD (standard American diet), processed, sugar-laden foods are a regular part of your daily eating habits. Those foods and others in the SAD diet have addictive ingredients in them that you won’t find in foods from God’s garden. If you want to find out if food has a stronger hold on you than is healthy, switch to a high-raw food diet for seven days. It can potentially be very eye-opening.
Raw food opened the door for new dreams and a new life’s path. I was very happy in my Corporate America job. I made good money, had good relationships with my superiors, and good relationships with my peers. Yet the healthier I became, the more I began questioning whether I was really doing what I was meant to do. And the more I embraced a high-raw food lifestyle, meeting people who were helping so many people gain or re-gain their health, the more I felt a stirring in my heart to change my life’s path.
The rest is history so they say. My life is radically different now and it all started with raw food. As crazy as that sounds, it is still the truth. And even though I have now moved into a new season in my business where I’m coaching women around the eight key areas of their lives, health, body image, and raw food are still very much a part of my coaching practice as well as my own personal healthy lifestyle.
If you’ve never spent seven days eating a 100% raw food diet, I encourage you to give it a try. You may be very surprised at what comes up for you!
Let's Connect...

I’m Ginny Edwards and my passion is to encourage Christian women to live a life of glorious, radiant health through embracing food the way God made it with all its juiciness and flavor. I’m a life and health coach trained by the Christian Coaching Institute and some of the best health coaches in the world. You can read more about me here.