You Is Kind
January 26, 2020

I love “The Help” movie, and one of the many reasons I love it is because of this statement that the housekeeper spoke over the little girl day after day. “You is kind, you is smart, you is important”. This little girl was constantly bombarded with statements that said just the opposite. She was ugly, she was stupid, she was unwanted. Perhaps you can relate? But the wise housekeeper continuously spoke life to that little girl and it made all the difference. It reminded me of how God speaks to us, His beloved. He speaks to our true identity – the way He sees us. He speaks life to us because that’s how He always see us! He is…
Always calling us upward into who we truly are in Christ
Always speaking of how He sees us, because He only sees us in Jesus
Always loving us where we are while speaking to where He sees us going, even in correction
Disciplining us as sons and daughters – out of love, never in condemnation
So if you’re hearing thoughts in your head like, “you’ll never lose weight”, “you have no discipline”, “you have no willpower”, “They will never hire you”, just remember those are not the statements you’ll ever hear from the One who is ever urging you to discover what it really means to be a new creature in Christ. The truth will always call you upward.
“You is kind”
“You is smart”
“You is important”
“If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away; behold, all things become new”. II Corinthians 5:17
Much love,
Let's Connect...

I’m Ginny Edwards and my passion is to encourage Christian women to live a life of glorious, radiant health through embracing food the way God made it with all its juiciness and flavor. I’m a life and health coach trained by the Christian Coaching Institute and some of the best health coaches in the world. You can read more about me here.